Welcome to the 2020s

Virginia Kabiru
2 min readApr 5, 2021

We woke up and the world was different…New year’s eve to many symbolizes many things but to the majority, it is the closing of one chapter and opening a new one; a chance for a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, an opportunity for doing things differently, choosing to “live like we have never lived before”.

As we crossed over into the 2020s no one prepared us for what awaited them on the “other side”. The 2020s united the whole world like never before however it did this in the most unusual way; through a pandemic. In the beginning, we didn’t expect that what had started in one part of the world would soon reach and affect the other parts of the world; eventually the whole entire world.

Here we are a year later in 2021 and we have learned to live in our “new normal”. I must say that what we are calling the new normal was not normal previously. The so-called new normal included: Social distancing, lockdowns, curfews, home-schooling, working from home, wearing masks, limited to no traveling at all, widespread use of electronic money, spending more time in “cyber-space”, and so on. Our communities have since changed and are no longer limited to those in our environs but have also shifted to include those in our online platforms.

The latest addition to the new normal, is the introduction and the rolling out of the covid vaccine which could in no time be a requirement for travel especially internationally. It is no surprise that the new vaccine has also become the new platform for trade and political cold wars.

The 2020s are so far proving to be different, unpredictable and above all they seem to be changing how the world thinks and therefore how it operates. In this decade we can’t truly and almost accurately predict how things will change even for the next decade. We now more than ever need to be “fluid” so as to be able to survive both in business and socially.

Change is painful, change is hard, change is necessary, change is constant and the best way to adapt to the changes around is to be fluid. Fluidity is now the new norm.

Be fliud…. We wake up and the world continues to be different.



Virginia Kabiru

A marketer by profession but A traveler, an explorer by passion